【セイコーGGP優勝者コメント】男子100m 桐生 祥秀(日本生命)コメント/Seiko Golden Grand Prix 2020 Tokyo - Men 100m Winner's Comment
優勝 10秒14(-0.2)
桐生 祥秀(日本生命)
Yoshihide KIRYU
I held up in the Final so I’m happy. I was able to sprint well even though the break between the Heats and the Final was short.
It didn’t matter who was in the lanes next to mine because I focused on my own race, but my bib number was “1” so I wanted to win 1st place.
In this situation we won’t really know how many more races we’ll have so I focus on every race we have. It was big that I kept the lead today, it’ll help me be more confident. Next year in the Olympics, the stadium will be hyped up, so I hope to be able to perform in that environment.
I was aiming for time in both the heat and the final and the 10.14 wasn’t a slow time at all. I’m entered in Fukui(Athlete Night Games) next week and Yamanashi (Fuji Hokuroku World Trials) the week after. I’ll make a few adjustments from this race and going to be ready next week.
