【セイコーGGP優勝者コメント】男子400m 伊東 利来也(早稲田大)コメント/Seiko Golden Grand Prix 2020 Tokyo - Men 400m Winner's Comment
優勝 45秒83
伊東 利来也(早稲田大)
Rikuya ITO
I am happy to be able to race in the GGP and finish first today.
With Julian Walsh in the outer lane next to me, I tried to pick up my velocity early. In restrospect, if you want go fast early then you’ll need to run relaxed without being too tense, but I was still tense today.
This stadium is none like other in Japan, with huge impact and presence, I thought next year’s Olympics is going to be so exciting. The stadium has a good track. Thinking of how to run in this track will lead to my performance in the Olympic Games. It’s hard to say in words but, I will be giving thoughts on what to do with the feel that I got from the track.
Next target race is the Japan Collegiate Championship. I will aim to win there. And the number one target this year is the National Championship. In this big event I will aim for time and placing.
