【セイコーGGP優勝者コメント】女子やり投 北口 榛花(JAL)コメント/Seiko Golden Grand Prix 2020 Tokyo - Women Javelin Throw Winner's Comment
優勝 59m38
北口 榛花(JAL)
Today was the first time I threw all out this season. When throw all out, I realized this is how my throw will end up. I’m relieved that I won today, but I was hoping to reach 60m, even though I said yesterday at the press conference I’m not ready to PB yet. But for a first competition of the season it was OK. I was able to do what I wanted to. I’m going to make sure my performance won’t be like today, one year from now. There is time to prepare so I will continue to work on my mechanics to be ready for the Olympic Games next year.
On the trajectory of my throw, I will be checking video to make adjustments but by taking less steps on cross-stepping, the time of javelin’s pull-back motion would be shorter but changing my step did make my approach faster. I’m starting to be able to throw in higher velocity so I think I’m going in the right direction.
The 59m38 throw (the winning mark) I held back a little bit. When the javelin starts to go straight even when I throw hard, I should be able to improve my record.
