【セイコーGGP優勝者コメント】男子走幅跳 橋岡 優輝(日本大)コメント/Seiko Golden Grand Prix 2020 Tokyo - Men Long Jump Winner's Comment
優勝 7m96(-0.1)
橋岡 優輝(日本大)
My first competition in the New National Stadium, being under a pandemic, and being away from competition for 6 months, I was still rusty for competition. I’m totally not happy with my jump today.
During the time when meets were off, I was able to train well, had quality times in my sprints so I was hoping that would lead to a good jump but I was still off from competition mode and felt “something’s missing, even though today’s competition day”. Mental wise I have some work to do. Technique wise, I need to work on the details of my technique.
I felt that the runway can be challenging for jump events. In the first 8 strides of my approach I try to be conscious of trying to press deep into the surface of the runway but with this runway having a quick response, before I can step deeply into the surface, it bounces back early. I wasn’t able to make this adjustment today. I thought I was going all out but my speed was really up to 80%, which made my approach inconsistent.
But even in this situation, I take it positively that having the opportunity to compete in the Olympic Stadium the year before would allow myself to make the adjustments.
Japan Collegiate Championship is coming up soon. As a senior in college, I want to win the title and wrap up my collegiate career. I will make preparations for the title, step by step.
